January 12, 20246:00 pm
“The more you give = the more you get, 5th time” The Dodolove brand would like to be a part of supporting DODOLOVE diapers and gift sets to Rommai School, Chonburi Province on January 12, 2024, so that the school can give them to teachers and kindergarten students to use products that are gentle on children and are environmentally friendly.
January 10, 202411:00 am
Central x the Asianparent Baby Fair on January 10-21, 67 @BCC Hall, 5th floor, Central Ladprao, 10:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Monday-Thursday), 10:00 AM – 9:00 PM (Friday-Sunday) The biggest mother-child product fair with huge discounts. Don’t miss out, moms and dads who love shopping.
June 27, 202311:00 am
DODOLOVE x Mega Bangna brings mother and baby products to be fully discounted, whether it’s baby strollers, breast pumps, bottle sterilizers, clothes, children’s toys and more, all discounted! Starting from June 27 – July 3, 2023, Mega Bangna, 3rd floor, entrance to the fountain plaza
December 21, 20226:00 pm
Dodolove brand has joined the campaign to promote the use of safety seats or car seats for the safety of children. The project was organized by the National Institute for Child and Family Development, Mahidol University. In this event, the Dodolove brand also brought child safety seats or car seats (Car Seat Market) that have received safety quality standards to sell at affordable prices. The event will be held from December 21, 2022 to January 13, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. every day except public holidays at Lan Plearn, 2nd floor, Panya Wattana Building, National Institute for Child […]
October 23, 20226:00 pm
On October 23, 2023, Lucky Way Co., Ltd. coordinated with the mobile health check unit from Bangprakok 8 Hospital to check the health of all employees at the company. The company is concerned about the health of all employees so that employees will be healthy and can stay with their families and the company for a long time.
October 6, 202211:00 am
October 6-9, 2022 at Impact Muang Thong Thani Challenger Victoria 3, the 43rd BBB Baby & Kids Best Buy, the largest product fair, Dodolove does not miss out on releasing the latest products with special discounts, both discounts and freebies, packed with promotions for mothers and shoppers. Don’t miss out on the event because there are definitely promotions. Come and meet many developmental activities.